Saturday, May 9, 2009

What a COOL JOB!

Since I have been an apprentice for Amy Sandoval, I have been HOOKED UP! The more time I spend with Amy, the more I am so glad that I took this opportunity with her. I have been able to have experiences and learning opportunities, that most photographers don't even have until that have their own business. She is such a great motivator for me. Today I am going to be a second shooter at a wedding with her. WOW! Can you believe that? So, in order to prepare for the wedding, she gave me her back up camera to learn on, with the option of shooting with Canon, or Nikon. So, here is the perfect example of an opportunity that doesn't just happen for everyone! So imagine my dilemma....

My very first camera, one that has been there for me from the very beginning, one that has inspired me to continue on this journey of capturing pure and raw emotions. Ticks me off sometimes, and makes me want to throw it, but still, I have a connection with this lil peanut! Picture 206

Then, big bad 30D just falls into my lap. It is MASSIVE! It is so amazing! It is HEAVY! It also captures the pure raw emotions! I love it. I have yet to want to throw her. Picture 227

These pictures were taken at the same exposure, same shutter speed, same ISO, same exp. comp. and they get a very different look. Of course the picture taken by the Nikon is a touch out of focus... what else is new? Hence, me wanting to throw her! Wish me luck on my shoot tonight!!!


Jenni Jackson Clothing said...

That is one big camera!!! Can't wait to see the pictures from the wedding:0)

Jean Smith said...

nikon traitor.

Meegan said...

I can't wait to hear how it all went! And to see photos of course!!!
lucky dog! You better get a bigger lap, in order tp keep catching all the amazing things falling into it!

Unknown said...

Go Canon, go Canon! No pressure. :) Both are great systems and whatever you choose, I promise to support your choice. :) Getting to know both systems will be great - wish I knew the Nikon system better!

Unknown said...

I loved the winning picture of you at I heart faces : ). It totally made me smile! Your freckles are DAZZLING! How did the wedding go? I hope your pictures turned out amazingly well!